Welcome Aiden & Brody

.I was 18 years old and dating Scott who was 20, we were both students at a trade school and hadn't been dating very long when I found out I was pregnant with our first child. We got along great and were really crazy about each other and had said a few times that we would be together forever (yet I wasn't sure if that would really happen!). I went to Target on lunch break one day by myself and took the pregnancy test. When the results came up positive I cried hysterically! I had no idea how to tell Scott the news. I was terrified that he would leave me ASAP and I would be left to figure this out by myself! So I put the test in my purse and decided to keep the news to myself for a little while at least. A few days later I left the test sitting on my bathroom counter knowing that he would be on his way and would eventually make it into the bathroom. After he FINALLY noticed the test, which took much longer than I had anticipated we sat down and talked about everything! We both agreed there was NO doubt we would keep our baby and the next step was to tell our parents. Scotts parents were not at all happy about the situation, mine however were very accepting. We found out that we were having a baby boy at 15 weeks and were Thrilled! The next weeks went by fairly smoothly. I was dilated to 3cm for about 4 weeks then on Thursday night I started to not feel so great. I decided to go to bed at about 7pm and had the best sleep I had had in months! Scott had been working the night shift, I woke up to let him in the house, laid back down and at 3:45am my water broke! I hadn't felt any contractions but had slept through most of my labor. We called the doctors and got ready to go. On our way to the hospital we had to stop at 711 to get batteries for my camera and also grabbed some slurpees, I was still feeling absolutely NO pain. Once we got to the hospital we were at the front check in when the contractions started. They rushed us upstairs and the nurse told me that I was dilated to 6cm and I needed my epidural quickly. We were put into a room within minutes and the Anesthesiologist was right behind us! I was feeling good and sleeping a little when about an hour later I was told it was time to push! Aiden was born at 6:53 am on December 7th after only 3 hours of labor! My sweet baby looked identical to my husband and was absolutely AMAZING! We found out we were pregnant with our 2nd baby a week before our wedding! We were living in Missouri for Scott's work at the time. I was however back in Michigan getting everything ready for our wedding when I realized I was late. I took a test at my moms house and text Scott the picture of the positive test (lame I know! haha) We were both very excited because we had planned to start trying right after the wedding it just happened a little sooner than expected! We told our family about a month later. Everyone was VERY excited! At 9 weeks and on Fathers Day I had very severe bleeding and we were positive that we had lost the baby. We went in for an ultrasound and sure enough the baby was still there! They told me not to get my hopes up however  that we could possibly loose him within the next few days, real nice right?! Thank the Lord our sweet baby stayed with us! We found out we would be having another little boy at 20 weeks. We also found out that I had marginal placenta prevail; this means the placenta is located too low and somewhat over the cervical opening. We had also had this with our first pregnancy however sometimes with time and growth the placenta can move up and everything works out okay! We waited things out but instead of the placenta moving up it moved further over the cervix, I was put on bed rest. At 36 weeks I went back to the doctors for my 6th ultrasound where they found the Placenta was not only even lower but a vital Artery was located at the end. I was taken by wheelchair to Labor and Delivery, admitted and told not to get out of bed or move very much! I was in the hospital for 3 days before Brody was born via "emergency" C-Section at 37weeks. He was taken to the NICU for 6 hours for observation but was doing amazing! He looked just like our first baby and was absolutely Beautiful!! After we were back in our room together my doctor told me that had my water broken with the artery located where it was both Brody and myself could have bled to death within seconds! I am SO thankful for Brody and the doctors who kept us both safe! My two little bundles of my entire life!

Welcome Jaliyah

At my 39 week appointment, my DR and I decided to induce me on my due date because I was just HUGE. Being 4’11, there is not much room past ginormous. I was so excited but so nervous, so the night before I (of course) did not sleep. Jason (Jaliyah’s daddy) was fast asleep as Jaliyah is his 3rd baby girl. I had my bags packed several weeks ahead of time so I couldn’t find anything to do to make the time past. So I spent the night drifting in and out of sleep.

We got to the hospital at 7:30am, got changed and hooked up to nonsense. I was started on Pitocin at 8:30am. My contractions started immediately but were not painful by any means. I rocked, read magazines, but was still too anxious to take advantage of not being in pain and sleeping! At 12:30pm I was only 1.5 cm dilated so my DR broke my water – which by the way, ew. I always thought it would be like in the movies with one huge gush and that was it – boy I was wrong! It just kept coming..ew. Ohhhhh man here came the contractions! It was so sudden and they were one on top of one another, nothing like I ever imagined. My numbers were going up to about 50ish almost immediately after breaking my water. I tried really hard to deal with it but I couldn't take it, I opted for an epidural at 3:30pm when I was 3 cm dilated. At that time my numbers were in the 70s to 80s with only about a 45 second break in between contractions. It's really amazing how no matter how much pain you are in, you can sit still for those 8 minutes magically haha.

I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I only got shut eye for about 30 minutes, I was just too anxious - not to mention there was like 10 people in the room with me (which got really annoying, really fast). Around 8:00pm the pressure became intense. I always thought the epidural shielded you from all pain - nope! It helped with contraction pain but not the pressure of my little girl moving down. It became incredibly unbearable and I asked to be checked. They turned my epidural off and as soon as my nurse checked me, she said "Oh wow, I'll get the delivery table ready." I freaked! I became so nervous, I cried haha. I had so many emotions going through my mind - I was going to be a mom! I started pushing at 9:10pm and my baby girl made her appearance at 10:03pm. No episiotomy, but I had a 2nd degree tear.

I never thought I would get to experience something like this. When Jaliyah was plopped on my belly at 10:03, I didn’t know whether to cry, laugh, smile – so I did it all in one. Jason cut the umbilical cord and then they whisked her off to clean her up. I had an amazing experience with my first labor and delivery – I can’t wait to do it again!