Fathers Day 2009 was when I found out I was pregnant. The father of my baby, Chris, and I were trying to go our seperate ways, I had a very minimal pay, part-time job, and was concerned with bars and shopping. I was a typical 21 year old, and in no condition to have a child. When I found out, I had the typical three minute freak out session by myself and then prepared to tell Chris. I waited for him at his apartment, like a creeper, and when he walked in the door I said "Happy Fathers Day!" Like a typical man he vowed to change and do everything in his power to make me and our baby as happy as could be. I had always been convinced that people were not capable of great change and he and I were doomed to be the disfunctional couple we had grown to be. He proved me wrong from the start. He became my craving savior, porcelaine thrown companion and the best partner I could ever imagine. The further into my pregancy I got, the more I could not get passed this feeling that this baby was a gift from God telling me my life was not on the right track. I have been blessed with the worlds most understanding, loving parents ever. This is the understatement of the century but they truly are amazing. With their help, we were able to get a house to start our beautiful little family in. It was week 26 when my pregnancy got interesting. The first 3 months I was unaware there was even a world outside my bathroom after 5pm, and thought I was in the clear when my morning sickness went away with the arrival of the second trimester. One morning I woke up with pains in my stomach, my mom took me to the hospital and I was having contractions. I met with my doctor and he gave me a laundry list of activities I could not do. I was one step away from bed rest, with 14 more weeks of pregnancy! My little muffin was already an attention hog, he wanted all my attention on his every squirm. I was in and out of the hospital 1/2 a dozen more times, recieving Terbutaline to stop the contractions. With nothing to do besides lay in bed, I became a pregnancy hypochondriac. If i had the hiccups for an abnormal period of time I would google it, convinced my hiccups were restricting air to the baby. At 38 weeks I decided I wanted a Wii to pass the time, I was in the clear to return to normal activity. I was by myself, while my boyfriend went to get a movie, bowling on the Wii when my water broke at 9:05 pm. Regardless of the 1000 times I read to "go straight to the hospital, don't bother calling the doctor," I picked up my phone called the oncall number, which was now a speed dial. When Chris got home, I said, "we're not watching a movie, we're having a baby." He asked if I was sure so I showed him the evidence. My contractions were immediatly intense and I felt like I could get to the hospital faster on foot than in the car. When I got to the hospital around 10pm, I was dilated to 3. I was anticipating being at the hospital long enough to count all the dots in the ceiling. My contractions were intense but I insisted I wait until they were absolutly unbearable to get my epidural. Huge mistake. I decided to get my epidural around 10:30, I was then informed that I had to have an entire IV bag of fluid in me first and, get my blood results before I would be given my sweet serum. Under the influence of contractions I barked at the nurse, "that should really be part of your speech. Hi, my name is Susie and it will take about an hour to get an epidural so make sure you don't wait." I was under the impression that the anesthesiologist was waiting needle in hand outside my door. While waiting, I insisted to the nurse that I had to go to the bathroom, using very unlady-like words that I am not even willing to repeat. She asked if I was sure it wasn't the urge to push.  It took every ounce of patience in me to not yell at her, and I simply said, "I have no idea, I've never had the urge to push before." She decided to check me an I was dilated to 6. I was able to wait for my epidural and Chris made it through in one piece. Meanwhile my mom had arrived just in time to laugh at me high on the epidural. Shortly after the doctor came in to check me and I was dilated to 8.  I'm not sure if the nurse thought she was being funny, or trying to offer me relief, but she felt the need to tell me if I had waited any longer, I would have missed my chance at an epidural. Fantastic. A couple minutes after 12 the doctor came in, checked me, and said I would have him by 3:00 am. It was then that I started my 2 hour 45 minute pushing session. I was at my exhaustion point when the nurse asked if I wanted to feel his head. For the first time in 38 weeks 6 days I really believed pregnancy DID infact come to an end! The doctor came in 15 minutes before 3 and at 3:00 am February 19, 2010 Dylan Lee Jager was born. The nurse jokingly asked if I would like to show others how it's done- being that I was a firsst time mother and only in labor for a total of 6 hours. Chris asked me if I would do it again, minutes after I was done, expecting me to say HELL NO! I had such an amazing first experience that I said "in a hearbeat!!'